Buffalo NY Mom Blog Reviews Giveaways | The Dish on Parenting

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Amusement Park Of Family Life

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 6/30/2013 12:45:00 AM
By: Jessica Keeton

After slowly making my way into the wading pool of blogs, I figured I had to just dive head first into the deep end of mommy blogging.............

When it comes to our everyday experiences with our family, we can feel everything from passion and excitement to anger and frustration, and as parents, having somewhere we can go to talk about these experiences is sometimes just what we need. I wanted a place where I could come and not only tell of my adventures, but also invite others to share their family experiences as well, and so The Dish on Parenting was created.

 I look at my family life as an amusement park, waking up every day and purchasing a ticket, not knowing what rides I’ll be going on yet. As a family we decide which roller coasters we’ll be trying out that day and by the end of our trip, we know what rides were fun and what we never want to go on again.

 All parents are familiar with these roller coasters; they include the rides we love so much such as laughter, hugs and kisses (cuddling included), good behavior, good behavior in PUBLIC, birthday parties, movie nights, and quality time together.

Don’t be fooled though,  amusement parks also have the rides we don’t like so much, you know, the ones that make your kids sick, but you can’t talk them out of getting back on them time and time again. These rough roller coasters involve temper tantrums, sibling fighting, skipping naps, and picky eaters.

I set up The Dish on Parenting to show you how to navigate through the daily amusement park of family life. I’ll be providing creative parenting tips, art projects and meals the whole family can join in making, as well as contests, reviews, polls and giveaways. Commenting and Guest posting is always welcomed.

 I hope you join me on this roller coaster ride they call parenting.

 My two beautiful daughters: Brynley and Addyson


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