Buffalo NY Mom Blog Reviews Giveaways | The Dish on Parenting

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Custom Fall Wreath Giveaway

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 9/19/2013 02:22:00 PM
By: Jessica Keeton

Now that summer is over, kids are busy doing homework, moms are busy packing lunches and all parents are left with empty wallets from the investment we know as school supply lists. Fall will leave us spending even more money, buying bags of candy for trick-or-treaters and Halloween costumes for our kids, that costs as much as something right off the runway.

We can't forget about the craft shows that always have the cutest fall decorations that you just have to have, but need to spend an arm and a leg to get it.  As someone who's always enjoyed making crafts, I'v walked through more than enough craft shows to realize, most of the items can be made for a fraction of the cost.

I know some people always think, "Well, I'm just not a crafty person," but it has nothing to do with that, it's about your own creativity. I have run plenty of craft workshops with parents that have never made a craft in their life, and the looks on their faces after they've created something beautiful, is priceless. 

As craft show season picks up, there's no better time to start creating your own crafts, just in time for the fall season. With this project, there's no need to go to craft stores and buy expensive products, instead, you can make a fall wreath for $10.00 that looks festive and beautiful. 

Going to your local dollar store, whether it be Dollar Tree or Dollar General, will supply you with everything you need to make a custom fall wreath.

Supplies I purchased:

All of these are from Dollar General

Fun Acorns & Pumpkins.
Fun ribbon comes in all different patterns

Flowers come in all color
Clip-on flowers
Fun fall accessories

And the end result is..........

What better way to celebrate fall than a giveaway.
You have the chance to win a custom made fall wreath of your choice!!!

You have the option of a fall wreath as pictured above or you can choose a Halloween wreath which will include some of the elements above but will have some creepy crawly and spooky features added to it. Once the giveaway ends, I will work with the winner, selecting colors, accessories and other elements to create a beautiful custom wreath that will work perfectly in your home.
Good Luck to all who enter!


  1. I think I would choose a custom fall wreath. I really love both! They are so beautiful and creative. Great giveaway!

  2. That is such a tough decision! We could use the fall wreath for a longer time period, but we are huge Halloween nuts!! I guess I would have to go with a fall wreath so we can show it off to family visiting for Thanksgiving.
    Thank you for the giveaway.
    -Friederike Graedener

  3. I would choose a Fall wreath because I would be able to use it longer. Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. I would choose a Fall wreath so I could have it up longer to enjoy

  5. That's a really tough decision but I think I'd go with a Halloween one

  6. Halloween is so nice, I'd love that one



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