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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Disney Classics Box Set

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 11/14/2013 11:39:00 PM
By: Jessica Keeton

Disclosure: I am participating in a blog post campaign from One2One Network and Walt Disney Records. All opinions are my own.

One of the many perks of being a parent means you get to act like a kid again, whether it’s playing dress-up, building a fort, or having a tea party. It also means, you get to relive all your favorite Disney movies that you loved so much as a child.

As a child, I can remember watching my favorite Disney movies over and over again, memorizing every word, every song, every detail. Convinced the flowers would sing back, I’d lay by the garden singing “All in the Golden Afternoon” from Alice in Wonderland. Mary Poppins always reminded me that when I was sick, having to take medicine was just “A Spoonful of Sugar.” Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs literally taught me how to whistle by singing “Whistle While You Work.”

These and other Disney musical classics like Bambi’s “Little April Shower,” Cinderella’s “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes,” Peter Pan’s “You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!” Sleeping Beauty’s “Once Upon A Dream,” and 101 Dalmations’s “Cruella DeVil” all bring back fun and loving memories from my childhood. These songs and my other favorites like Jungle Book’s “The Bare Necessities,” The Aristocats’ “Ev’rybody Wants to be a Cat,” Robin Hood’s “Whistle Stop,” The Rescuers’ “Someone’s Waiting for You,” and The Fox and the Hound’s “Best of Friends,” have proved just how big of an impact they’ve had in my life.

I remember major events from my childhood from Disney’s songs. I can remember having to get my tonsils out and as they were waiting for my medication to kick in, asked me to sing a song. The Little Mermaid’s “Under the Sea” was the last song I sang before going under.

Sure as a parent, watching our children’s shows over and over again can get a bit rough, but not when it comes to Disney classics. It tends to be a role reversal in our home, with my children telling me it’s time to turn Aladdin, Lady and the Tramp, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Pocahontas off.

Remembering every word to these songs over 25 years later has allowed me to share and create new memories with my children. Now as they memorize these same songs, we’re able to not only sing together, but create memories that they’ll look back on. Having children of their own someday, they’ll be able to teach them the same great songs I taught them. Disney has not just made an impact on my family, but families everywhere. Families who create their own special memories.

Disney has helped to shape the world of movie music and is now giving everyone the chance to be a part of something magical. What better time than now, with the holiday season coming up, to own a piece of Disney music history with the Disney Classics Box Set!!!

The Disney Classics Box Set includes 4 discs of 94 original recordings! Discs include Disney Modern Classics, Disney Theme Park Classics, Disney Timeless Classics and Disney Television Classics.

Where can you find the Disney Classics Box Set?
Released Tuesday, November 12, 2013, the Disney Classics Box Set is now available for purchase wherever music is sold. The suggested list price for the box set is $49.98. (Prices may vary depending on retailer.)

You can also purchase Disney Classics Box Set on Amazon.com (or click here
for $31.74!

For more information on the Disney Classics Box Set:
Disney Music Website - Disney Music Facebook - Disney Music Twitter

*(Disney Classics Box Set will be included in 2013 Holiday Gift Guide)

 Here’s a look into each disc on the Disney Classics Box Set (Source:Amazon)

Timeless Classics
Collected here are some of the most iconic melodies from Disney's golden era. From 'When You Wish Upon a Star' to 'A Spoonful of Sugar' and 'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah' to 'The Whistle Stop,' these Timeless Classics are part of a musical heritage inextricably woven into our human culture heirlooms passed down through the generations.

1 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf (From Three Little Pigs)
2 Whistle While You Work (From Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)
3 When You Wish Upon a Star (From Pinocchio)
4 When I See an Elephant Fly (From Dumbo)
5 Little April Shower (From Bambi)
6 Three Caballeros (From The Three Caballeros)
7 Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (From Song of the South)
8 Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) (From So Dear to My Heart)
9 Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (From Cinderella)
10 All in the Golden Afternoon From Alive in Wonderland
11 You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! (From Peter Pan)
12 What a Dog/He's a Tramp (From Lady and the Tramp)
13 Once Upon a Dream (From Sleeping Beauty)
14 Cruella De Vil (From 101 Dalmations)
15 Let's Get Together (From The Parent Trap)
16 Ugly Bug Ball (From Summer Magic)
17 Spoonful of Sugar (From Mary Poppins)
18 Monkey's Uncle (From The Monkey's Uncle)
19 Fortuosity (From The Happiest Millionaire)
20 Bare Necessities (From The Jungle Book)
21 Ev'rybody Wants To Be a Cat (From the Aristocats)
22 Whistle Stop (From Robin Hood)
23 Someone's Waiting for You (From The Rescuers)
24 It's Not Easy (From Pete's Dragon)
25 Best of Friends (From the Fox and the Hound)

Modern Classics
This compilation begins with 1989's The Little Mermaid, which not only ignited the renaissance of Disney Animation and storytelling, but a rebirth of Disney Music as well. Favorites from 'Under the Sea,' 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'A Whole New World,' these Modern Classics continue to shape the company's musical history and heritage.

1 Under the Sea (from The Little Mermaid)
2 Be Our Guest (From Beauty & the Beast)
3 Seize the Day (From Newsies)
4 Whole New World (From Aladdin)
5 What's This? (from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas)
6 Circle of Life (From the Lion King)
7 Colors of the Wind (From Pocahontas)
8 You've Got A Friend In Me (From Toy Story)
9 Out There (From the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
10 I Won't Say (I'm in Love) (From Hercules)
11 Reflection (From Mulan)
12 Time of Your Life (From A Bug's Life)
13 Strangers Like Me (From Tarzan)
14 When She Loved Me (From Toy Story 2)
15 Whoop-De-Dooper Bounce (From the Tigger Movie)
16 If I Didn't Have You (From Monsters, Inc.)
17 Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (From Lilo & Stitch)
18 Look Through My Eyes (From Brother Bear)
19 One Little Slip (From Chicken Little)
20 Happy Working Song (From Enchanted)
21 Dig a Little Deeper (From the Princess and the Frog)
22 I See the Light (From Tangled)
23 We Belong Together (From Toy Story 3)

Television Classics
Spanning from the 1950s to present day, this album represents quite an eclectic compilation of themes. At the very least, it's an interesting musical graph of changing tastes and social evolution over the last 60+ years. Everything from 'The Ballad of Davy Crockett,' to 'Get'cha Head in the Game' from High School Musical, is represented on this album, but probably the most beloved of these Television Classics however, has to be the 'Mickey Mouse Club Alma Mater.' 

1 Mickey Mouse March (From the Mickey Mouse Club)
2 Ballad of Davey Crocket (From Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier)
3 Triple R Song, The (Yippi-A, Yippi-I, Yippi-O) (From the Adventures of Spin and Marty)
4 Theme of Zorro (From Zorro)
5 Scarecrow (From the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh)
6 Winnie the Pooh (From Winnie The Pooh And The Honey Tree)
7 Minnie's Yoo Hoo (From the Mouse Factory)
8 Who, What, Why, Where, When and How Day (From the New Mickey Mouse Club)
9 Gummi Bears Theme (From the Adventures of the Gummi Bears)
10 Duck Tales Theme (From Duck Tales)
11 Chip 'N' Dale's Rescue Rangers Theme Song (From Chip 'N' Dale's Rescue Rangers)
12 Darkwing Duck Theme (From Darkwing Duck)
13 Theme to Lizzie McGuire (From Lizzie McGuire) Extended Supa Mix
14 Rockin' at the House of Mouse (From House of Mouse) Extended Version
15 Naked Mole Rap (From Kim Possible)
16 Cheetah Sisters (From the Cheetah Girls)
17 Aloha, E Komo Mai (From Lilo & Stitch: The Series)
18 Hot Dog! (From Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
19 Get'cha Head in the Game (From High School Musical)
20 Nobody's Perfect (From Hannah Montana 2)
21 Gitchee Gitchee Goo (From Phineas and Ferb)
22 This is Me (From Camp Rock)
23 What Time Is It (From High School Musical 2)
24 Everything Is Not as It Seems (From Wizards of Waverly Place)
25 Mickey Mouse Club Alma Mater (From The Mickey Mouse Club)

Theme Park Classics
Music plays a vital role in the Parks as well; whether it be cleverly establishing an attraction's story or the sheer brilliance of underscoring the banks and turns of a thrilling roller coaster. Collected here are not only those Theme Park Classics we know and love today, but others we fondly remember from days gone by.

1 Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room (From Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room)
2 Swisskapolka (From Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse)
3 Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me) (From Pirates of the Caribbean)
4 Splash Mountain Medley: How Do You Do?/Ev'ry Body Has a Laughing Place/Zip-Z-Dee-Doo-Dah (From Splash Mountain)
5 Bear Band Serenade (From Country Bear Jamboree)
6 Grim Grinning Ghosts (From Haunted Mansion)
7 It's a Small World (From It's a Small World)
8 There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (From Carousel of Progress)
9 Great Outdoors (From Country Bear Vacation Hoedown)
10 Space Mountain (From Space Mountain (2005))
11 Soarin' (From Soarin' Over California)
12 It's Tough to Be a Bug (From It's Tough to Be a Bug!)
13 California Screamin' (From California Screamin')
14 Best Time of Your Life (From Carousel of Progress)
15 Space Mountain (From Space Mountain (2005))
16 Universe of Energy (From Universe of Energy)
17 Kitchen Kabaret Medley: Boogie Woogie Bakery Boy/Meat Ditties/Veggie, Veggie, Fruit, Fruit (From Food Rocks)
18 One Little Spark (From Journey Into Imagination)
19 Canada (You're a Lifetime Journey) (From O Canada!)
20 Golden Dream (From the American Adventure)
21 Finale (From Fantasmic!)

Special bonus for box set purchasers: A new medley of Disney hits by
YouTube a capella sensations Peter Hollens and Alex G. Peter and Alex create
fully orchestrated songs using only the sounds of their voices. With well over 100
million views on YouTube alone, their sensational approach has excited audiences all over the world.


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