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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Festive Fun With Flashlight Friends (Review and Video)

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 12/08/2013 02:29:00 PM
This Christmas, give your kids endless hours of entertainment and fun with Flashlight Friends!

What Are Flashlight Friends?
Flashlight Friends are the new huggable, loveable plush animals that foster comfort and security at bedtime.

A cool-to-the-touch, soft glow LED flashlight is built right into the plush animal's belly. Just tap the tummy light twice to turn them on. There's even a 10-minute auto shut-off. With Flashlight friends, a child is never alone in the dark.

Flashlight Friends are available in Dragon, Penguin, Puppy, and Unicorn styles and have a nifty little loop that lets little hands carry them around with ease. For ages 4 and up.

How Much Do Flashlight Friends Cost?
You can purchase Flashlight Friends for the low price of $19.99 at most retailers including Walmart, Toys R Us, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, Kmart, Buy Buy Baby, Walgreens and more.

As a parent of two preschool-aged children, I was extremely excited when our Black Penguin Flashlight Friends arrived, knowing it was safe for kids of all ages. Not having to worry about the flashlight getting hot or being left on are extra bonuses that Flashlight Friends provides. With a ten minute automatic shutoff and a battery that lasts for hundreds of hours, I knew I wouldn't need to run to the store after a few days, saving me both time and money.

Flashlight Friends is the perfect toy for home and on the go, whether it's a birthday party or a sleepover. Plus, if your kids are into building fort or secret clubhouses, Flashlight Friends are the perfect cuddly friend to bring. Make sure when Flashlight Friends are on your Christmas shopping list this year!

Visit Flashlight Friends on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Idea Village or check out Flashlight Friends' website!


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