Buffalo NY Mom Blog Reviews Giveaways | The Dish on Parenting

Monday, July 8, 2013

Family-Friendly Entertainment At Royalton Ravine Park

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 7/08/2013 01:44:00 AM
By: Jessica Keeton

Celebrating the fourth of July usually means barbecues, family parties and lots of red, white and blue. We spend the entire day looking forward to the oohing and ahhing at the fireworks, so it can be very disappointing when they fall flat.
Having children, I want to make sure that they get to experience all the fun and excitement that July fourth can bring, creating memories for them that they'll remember forever. After listening to some recommendations as well research, we have finally found that perfect place.

Royalton Ravine Park in Gasport, NY is the perfect setting for family-friendly entertainment offering fun activities for any age group. When it comes to July 4th festivities, they do not disappoint, exceeding everyone's expectations every year.

This has been my fourth year attending the July 4th celebrations at Royalton Ravine Park and once again my family and I all left with smiles on our faces, talking about how amazing the fireworks were. 

Before the show starts, parents can spend hours making sure their children aren't running off or misbehaving, so when fireworks end after ten minutes, those families don't return the following year. This is not something you have to deal with at Royalton Ravine Park, in fact, the volunteers who organize the festivities deserve medals for allowing moms and dads the chance to sit down for the first time that day and enjoy the impressive fireworks.

Don't worry, there's no pitching a tent the night before to secure a good spot going on here, with more than enough space, you can find a great spot no matter what time you show up. There's great seating for music lovers in front of the stage, seating for younger ones by the kids section and if you're looking for something a bit quieter, you can go behind the vendors and find a perfect seat around a beautiful pond. 

When it comes to parking, the volunteers have once again looked for ways to improve on safety and getting everyone home as quickly as possible. You'll find many parking lots available as well as side streets. Parking at a fire hall has its benefits, allowing you to take a bus to and from the park. Police enforced "No Parking" signs on certain areas of streets helped out tremendously when it came time to leave, eliminating street congestion and allowing families to walk to their vehicles much more safely.

After spending the day barbecuing, swimming and catching up on some sun, you can bring your family to Royalton Ravine Park in Gasport, NY for the best family-friendly entertainment around. Festivities include a parade, kids games, multiple bands and fireworks. Throughout the day, music lovers of all kinds will be pleased as they off a variety of different bands to suit anyone's musical needs. Great food and drinks at a price that won't empty your wallet are a plus as well as light-up accessories for the kids to play with.

Your children will be busy in the "Kids Area" getting their faces painted and playing games, keeping them out of trouble. Every year my kids look forward to what will be offered and every year they are pleasantly surprised. Previous years have offered everything from bounce houses to petting zoos and fun balloon animals but this year, volunteers have stepped it up a notch and have made me one happy parent. As my kids and I were walking towards the fun, we noticed a big sign that said "Kids Area - No Alcohol Allowed," making me one happy mama. I have no problem with people having a good time but having alcohol in a kids area had me worrying instead of having fun, so this change this year I'm sure has pleased many parents and should be continued in years to come.

The best part about coming to see fireworks at Royalton Ravine Park is if they put it on the schedule as starting at ten, they will start at ten. You can feel the anticipation in the air, waiting for the first big boom to go off and when it does, you can't take your eyes off the sky. Having the best seat in the house no matter where you sit, you'll be amazed with every firework being more colorful than the one before. Every few minutes as the fireworks start coming faster and faster, making you feel like the finale is coming, when actually it's nowhere in site. When the finale does come and you cheer along with the crowd, you are left sitting there in aw of what just happened, vowing to come back the next year. 

I have recommended Royalton Ravine Park to friends and family and each year our group gets bigger and bigger. Whether your looking for something new to try or a perfect spot for your family, Royalton Ravine Park in Gasport, NY is the place to be for family-friendly entertainment and fireworks that go above and beyond anyone's expectations.

       Let Royalton Ravine Park 
        be the place you bring
      your family to 
for memories
         that will last a lifetime

Take a look below at the 2013 Firework Display at Royalton Ravine Park!
For more information on great activities in Gasport, NY take a look at The Facebook Page of Gasport, NY and Life and Times in Gasport, New York!
**If you are looking to help out next year, volunteers are always needed.

**Looking to come to Royalton Ravine Park for your next July 4th? Come back for more information on schedules, updates, and tips in 2014!!!


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