Buffalo NY Mom Blog Reviews Giveaways | The Dish on Parenting

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stay Heartburn Free: Receiving My Prevacid24HR BzzKit

Posted by Jessica belmonte at 7/24/2013 02:13:00 AM
By: Jessica Keeton

My BzzKit Arrived

Fairly new to BzzAgent, I have had nothing but positive experiences from meeting new people, joining great campaigns and learning just how much social media can influence others on a product. After joining it was only a matter of weeks before I was in picked for my first campaign. 

I was chosen for the Prevacid24Hr (#GotItFree) campaign. Unlike most companies, I didn't have to wait 6-8 weeks to try out my products, with my BzzKit arriving within two weeks. Opening my door to find my package the other day was exciting not only for me, but for my mail carrier as well (she'll no longer have to worry about me waiting by the door everyday). 

I made a video last night showing everyone what was included in my BzzKit, what I was excited about, why I decided to join this campaign and what I was hoping to expect from Prevacid24Hr. I wanted to make sure to include it here for anyone that didn't get a chance to watch the video. 

Items in my BzzKit

*1 box of Prevacid24Hr Capsules (14 count)

*$5.00 off coupons for Prevacid24HR - for family, friends, and
anyone interested in never worrying about their heartburn again.

*A pamphlet that includes information on Prevacid24HR, causes of heartburn, your lifestyle and heartburn, tips, ways to manage your heartburn and my favorite Prevacid24HR Perks.

*Prevacid24HR Perks is a program that rewards you giving you great perks like coffee, spa gift cards, dining and entertainment options and so much more.

Great Features of Packaging: I took a picture of the bottle next to the pamphlet to show just how small it is. Having kids, I usually have a minimum of four bags packed with everything we own just for a trip to the gas station, so when I can throw something like this in my bag and it won't take up any extra space, it's perfect and makes me one happy mama. 

You don't have to worry about spending ten minutes taking a capsule out of a package that tells you to just "push" and it'll pop out when what they really mean is you need a heavy piece of machinery in order to open the packaging.  

 I started my Prevacid24Hr today and am so excited to be able to tell my family, friends and anyone else I can help out with their heartburn troubles, about how amazing this product truly is. 

It can take anywhere from 1-4 days to feel the full effects of Prevacid24HR but I was lucky enough to spot a difference immediately. I will be using it for the next few days to make sure I can give you all the best and most honest review. 

 Everyone stay tuned and I will be updating you through my blog, my twitter, my facebook, and for my friends on Bzzagent.

 Loving My Prevacid24HR #GotItFree

For anyone interested in viewing my video I posted yesterday, check below. 


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